
Connecting Top Creators with Leading Brands

Let's be real. We've all seen those cringe posts of brands trying to be 'relatable', but come across as desperate instead...they don't work, and they know it....which is where you come in.Brands need you!

Join TryInfluencer Today

  • Get paid cold hard cash...not just freebies.

  • Choose brands you actually vibe with.

  • Direct bank deposits, no lame gift cards or store credit

  • No platform fees ever

  • you Keep 100% of your earnings

We don't take a cut

Make Money Doing What You Love. We’ll Take Care of the Rest.

You've got what brands can't buy...they need your voice way more than you need their free products and exposure.Get paid actual money to create content your way. No scripts. No 47 mandatory hashtags. Just you being you.Get access to elite brands who are dying to work with you...go on a rant, tell the truth, we don't give AF, just sell their shit your way.

Make Money From Moms Basement

Unlock Your Earning Potential as an Influencer

We're not Boomers. We know that free products and exposure don't pay the bills...We connects influencers with brands who know this, but don't know how to find you.We make sure they pay you for every sale you send their way...none of this 10% BS or payment in is king.

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